Summary: Did you recently undergo denture therapy?  If yes, then chances are you’re already having difficulty adapting to the oral appliance, like over 42.46 million Americans. While these custom-molded plastic or metal appliances are designed to replace missing, diseased, or otherwise damaged teeth, they can be tough to adapt. So whether replacing old dentures or […]

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Summary Dental emergencies are more common than you might think!  Uncertain dentist emergencies account for over 2 million visits to the ER each year in the United States.  Realizing something is wrong with your teeth or mouth can be intimidating. Dental emergencies can strike unexpectedly, causing pain and anxiety. Knowing how to respond in such […]

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Having a bright, elegant smile is everyone’s fantasy! Sadly, however, it’s not always a reality. Many individuals tend to lose a tooth or two to accidents or natural causes. This, in turn, takes a toll not only on your oral health but also on your confidence and overall well-being. But there’s good news! You no […]

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